Increase the success rate of sales during telephone call solicitation and improve satisfaction with the work place.
At the end of this training session, participants will be able to:
Telephone solicitation: the basic principles
The sollicitation technique SPORT
Every training session is customized for each of our clients. The examples, the exercises and the role play reflect the reality of each company with whom we do business. The means of deployment (in a classroom, by video or internet) is adapted to the needs of the company or the participants. All courses are available in modules.
Participants will learn how to maximize the benefits of incoming calls, by increasing their sales and by proposing products and services which answer their clients’ needs.
At the end of this training session, the participants will be able to:
Telephone solicitation: the basic principles
The 5 Step Sales Method ADAPT
Every training session is customized for each of our clients. The examples, the exercises and the role play reflect the reality of each company with whom we do business. The means of deployment (in a classroom, by video or internet) is adapted to the needs of the company or the participants. All courses are available in modules.
Exercer les pratiques et les habiletés les plus efficaces et les plus reconnues pour satisfaire les clients au téléphone, en personne et par courriel.
Au terme de cette formation, les participants seront en mesure de :
Module 1- Les 4 piliers de l’expérience client:
Module 2- Le processus d’appel en 5 étapes
Module 3- Le processus R.É.G.L.E.R.
Toutes nos formations sont bâties sur mesure pour chacun de nos clients. Les exemples, les exercices et les jeux de rôle sont créés pour chaque compagnie avec lesquelles nous faisons affaire. La méthode de déploiement (en classe, vidéo, internet) est adapté aux besoins de la compagnie ou des participants.
© Tous droits réservés Groupe Effica inc.