The A.D.A.P.T. method

Sales Training
Our sales training programs are very different from typical hard charging, close at any cost, fast-talking techniques normally seen in sales training. We focus on your clients’ needs because we believe that clients who enjoyed their purchasing experience will come back and send their friends. We also know for a fact that you will retain competent sales staff if they feel that they don’t have to trade their integrity for their sales numbers. Our techniques are designed to train your sales staff to provide the best advice and help their clients make the best purchasing decision. Our programs are customized to different sales environments such as retail sales (B2C), business to business (B2B), concept and services sales and add-on and value-added selling.
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And improve your business results in a sustainable way.
Module 1
ANTI-PRESSURE selling it starts with the client
The customer’s purchasing process
Different types of consumers
Module 2
Client experience: from lip service to doing it
Active greeting
Directing: responding to real needs
Module 3
No need to sell help the client buy
Conscious needs
Prices and product: the 4 buying motivations
YOU – WE – YOU: give each client his own reasons to buy
Module 4
Closing, objections, negotiation: convincing without conflict
The psychology of closing
The psychology of objections and negotiation
The buying momentum
Getting the client to change his mind… on his own